报告地点:Zoom:876 8243 5755 (密码:212121)
报 告 人:R.B. Bapat 教授
报告人简介: Ravindra Bapat 教授,教授,印度科学院院士。研究领域包括非负矩阵理论、矩阵不等式、图的矩阵以及广义逆等。已发表论文100余篇, 在Springer 和 Cambridge University Press 上出版专著多部, 2004年获得政府最佳文献奖, 2009年获J.C. Bose Fellowship。主要的社会服务工作包括: 2007-2008年任印度数学会理事长, 现担任《Linear and Multilinear Algebra》、《The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra》、《India Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics》和《Kerala Mathematical Association Bulletin》的编委, 现担任印度国家数学奥林匹克竞赛队总教练, 2007-2011任ISI Delhi中心主任。
报告简介:We first review some known results about resistance matrix of an undirected graph. We then define resistance distance in a strongly connected, directed graph. When the graph is balanced, that is, the indegree and the outdegree of any vertex are the same, we show that many properties of resistance matrix continue to hold. The definition of resistance distance uses the Moore-Penrose inverse of the Laplacian matrix of the graph. Some open problems are proposed. The talk is based on joint work with R.Balaji and Shivani Goel.