报告时间:2022年 9月21日(星期二)16:00-17:00
报告地点:腾讯会议:974 107 078
报 告 人:Pedro Patricio 教授
工作单位:University of Minho
报告人简介:Prof. Pedro Patricio received his PhD degree in Mathematics from University of Minho, Portugal in 2002. He is currently a Professor in Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Minho. He is the Director of the CMAT-center of Mathematics, University of Minho. His research interests include generalized inverses and partial orders. He has published more than 40 peer reviewed papers in leading journals including Linear Algebra Appl., Linear Multilinear Algebra, Electron. J. Linear Algebra, and J. Aust. Math. Soc. etc.
报告简介: In this talk, we give several connections between generalized inverses.Also,their applications in complex matrices, Banach algebras are obtained.